A quick reminder about our ingredients.
The Huda Bar constantly strives to buy organic from local producers and boost local economy, so we can get the best ingredients locally and create relationships with responsible vendors.
NO artificial preservatives. NO fillers. NO gimmicky ingredients. NO artificial or added natural or nature identical flavours!
What goes into our family's stomachs, is what goes into yours.
In our endeavour to go completely organic, here is our list of ingredients that goes into The Huda Bar :
- Oats from Baggrys (imported from England whole-grain, milled in Ludhiana) - certified organic
- Jaggery from Pronature - certified organic
- Almonds - certified organic
- Dates - Not organic, but we're talking to a farm - hopefully by 2018
- Sunflower seeds - From a co-op in Tamil Nadu, organic, not certified
- Flax seeds - certified organic from Pronature
- Chia seeds - organic, not certified
- Ragi Huri Hittu - From Navadarshanam - organic, not certified
- Peanuts - certified organic from Pronature
- Peanut butter - certified organic ingredients i.e. peanuts and peanut oil
- Dark Chocolate - Fine quality dark chocolate. Not all organic. The search is on.
- Honey - organic, not certified. The beekeepers ethically keep bees that harvest from the wild and the forest (not drink from bowls of sugar water kept out for them)
- Butter - not organic. Leads to a regular supply of organic butter will be most appreciated.