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THB Blog — Energy bars

Huda explains the Nutrition in her Granola Bars

Energy bars Granola bars Ingredients Oats Organic Products The Huda Bar

Huda explains the Nutrition in her Granola Bars

Our signature granola bars are convenient, satiating, nutrient-rich, all natural and provide enough clean energy to keep you going. Oh, and they’re delicious. Wonder why we use oats, dry fruit, nuts, flax, chia and sunflower seeds, ragi malt and no refined sugar in every single Huda Bar? Here's explaining why we use these amazing foundational ingredients in all our bars.

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What goes into The Huda Bar?

Energy bars Granola bars Ingredients Oats Organic Peanut Butter Products The Huda Bar

What goes into The Huda Bar?

A quick reminder about our ingredients.

The Huda Bar constantly strives to buy organic from local producers and boost local economy, so we can get the best ingredients locally and create relationships with responsible vendors.

NO artificial preservatives. NO fillers. NO gimmicky ingredients. NO artificial or added natural or nature identical flavours!
What goes into our family's stomachs, is what goes into yours.

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