Delicious • Nutritious • Sustainable
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Monthly Subscription Plans

Your monthly orders of bars, nutjobs, cereals and other organic essentials made easy! Subscribe once, and have your regular supply at your doorstep without fail every month. With 10% off MRP + free shipping over Rs 3,500. Enjoy! (There are vegan versions of each plan as well.)

Our subscription plans have been designed keeping in mind the needs of our customers. Your stock of monthly bars, your easy breakfast-on-the-go box, fitness-based subscriptions, and even one for the chocolate-lovers. After 6 years of doing business, we've come to notice a few trends in what some of our regular customers have been ordering. We hope this makes life a little easier for all of you.

We also do custom subscriptions worth over Rs 2,500, for a minimum of three months. Write to

Get your regular dose of organic goodness delivered at your doorstep every month, with minimal effort.

If you would like to set up a customised monthly subscription for your company or organisation - please contact Brian on +91 99722 24774 /

Plans are renewed automatically every month, on the date of first billing. Your subscription will be delivered within seven days of the date of billing, once every month.