Organic • Delicious • Sustainable
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Bury It or Burn It

Aluminium Foil Packaging

Imagine that you had to live with your trash for the next 30 days. Every packet, bottle, box, wrapper, organic waste, paper, plastic, glass or metal. All packaging, whether you go out or stay in, you must keep in your house for the next 30 days.

What would you do differently?

Packaging has been Huda's nemesis. She struggled with it enormously, especially when she saw something that wasn't biodegradable or recyclable on the street, in a garbage pile or landfill. Chocolates, biscuits, chips, bars, mixtures - almost all ready-to-eat, mass-manufactured foods use metal fused to plastic packaging. She didn't want that for The Huda Bar.

Metal fused to plastic - a metallic looking plastic material - is the *cheapest* way to package food for supermarket shelves, but unsustainable and un-recyclable. There are only two ways to get rid of it - bury it or burn it. Even plain old plastic can be recycled. Plain metal like aluminium cans, containers and foil save 95% energy when recycled instead of being produced from ore (70% of aluminium produced in India is recycled constantly).

This means, you will continue to see The Huda Bars wrapped in premium food grade aluminium foil wrapping and 100% recyclable paper. And our other foods in reusable glass bottles, 100% recyclable paper boxes or reuseable and 100% recyclable plain ziplock bags. And maybe not on store shelves any time soon.

We are very mindful of the packaging we use, from the paper to the inks. Read more on our FAQs page.

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